Actions Speak Louder Than Words

(青年日報 / 記者劉程鈞攝)

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Can you find a job in Australia without knowing much English, any local knowledge or the industry? The only way to find that out is “Action.”I came here four years ago with my wife. The first couple of weeks in Hervey Bay was so perfect. I went running in the morning and fishing in the afternoon every day. My wife and in-laws always took me boating or camping every week. Suddenly, I realized I had to find a job! My wife and in-laws weren’t worried that much because they knew it would take around six months to find a job and I didn’t know how to speak proper English yet. I asked myself if I should stay in my comfort zone a bit longer and improve my English and local knowledge first.

Two weeks later, I told my wife that I had to find a job right now. At first, I sent hundreds and thousands of resumes. Then I tried to ask everyone I knew for work, but still, nothing happened. I started to feel stress. My wife encouraged and reminded me that I was still new here and to not give myself too much pressure. She was right that I shouldn’t give myself too much pressure but I didn’t like to wait. I told myself that I should enjoy the process. I only needed to be more prepared for job hunting and try to do my best. I started door knocking asking for a job from Sunshine Coast to Brisbane then Gold Coast. After one month and door knocking more than a hundred times I finally had some interviews. I found a full-time job at McGrath with an excellent support team. Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.

Thank you for trusting me Christopher Jones who is now Savills Gold Coast, Director Managing Partner & CEO and Partner RAAS. Thank you for giving me a chance to prove that I am capable of helping people. I didn’t let him down and sold my first three properties in the first three months.

Is it possible to find a job without English, local knowledge or industry? The only way you can find it is “Action.”

Enjoy your learning process, always believe in yourself, have gratitude and build up your cultural competence. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”